martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

No Witchcraft for Sale

I really liked this short story. There are many values in this story and they are all important, for example to be thankful, how can you pay someone who has just saved you from losing your sight? There is also one part of the story in which they talk about money, there are many things more important than money (for me is to live completely). Another value is to respect the point of view of each other (Gideon didn't want to show the plant to the doctor). The most important thing that I can appreciate in this story was that Gideon and his family considered themselves different from the Farquars (one will grow up to be a baas, and one will be a servant); in my point of view we are all the same just because of the fact that we are all humans. (We should treat each other for what we are, humans.)

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with this poste because it is true that in the reading it represents some values that are very important in our daily life. But I think that the porpose of this work is to interpret how the society is divided even though the Farquars weren't bad with their servants, they can't be close friends and treat them the same as their family just because they were servants. This division has been made since the begining of civilization and it is very difficult to break.
